CARREFOUR PATHOLOGIE 2024, organisé par la Société Française de Pathologie (SFP) se déroulera au CNIT Forest de Paris la Défense, du 20 au 22 novembre 2024.

Ce congrès reste un moment unique de rencontres, d’échanges, d’enseignement et de diffusion des savoirs entre les professionnels de l’Anatomie et Cytologie Pathologiques.

Pour plus d’informations sur le congrès :

Genexpath participera au Cambridge Lymphoma Biology International Symposium à Magdalene College, Cambridge, Angleterre, du 17 au 18 septembre 2024.

Ce symposium est un évènement permettant de réunir des chercheurs et des cliniciens ayant un intérêt pour la biologie des lymphomes et des CLL. Pour plus d’informations : Haematology Event: Cambridge Lymphoma Biology International Symposium | Cambridge Stem Cell Institute

Genexpath participera au 36th European Congress of Pathology (ECP 2024) organisé par l’European Society of Pathology au Fortessa da Basso de Florence en Italie du 7 au 10 septembre 2024. Nous serons présents avec Clinisciences, notre distributeur européen.

Ce congrès européen de pathologie est un événement scientifique rassemblant des pathologistes, des cliniciens, des biologistes moléculaires, des généticiens, des bioinformaticiens, des experts informatiques ainsi que les partenaires industriels du congrès dans le domaine de la pathologie en Europe. Pour plus d’informations sur le congrès :

Genexpath will be taking part in the European Hematology Association congress in Madrid at IFEMA Madrid Recinto Ferial from June 13 to 16, 2024.

The EHA (European Hematology Association) congress is an annual scientific event bringing together researchers, clinicians and healthcare experts in the field of hematology in Europe. Its aim is to promote excellence in the research, diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders. The meeting provides a platform to present and discuss recent advances in hematology, covering basic research, innovative therapies and clinical practices. The EHA congress is a major event for the European and global hematology community. Translated with (free version)

Genexpath will be present at Viva Technology from May 22 to 24, 2024 at the Porte de Versailles exhibition center in Paris, stand D53.

We'll be there with the We Are Normandy collective and 17 other companies

For four days each year, VIVATECH brings together entrepreneurs, start-ups, investors, researchers and enthusiasts from all over the world, making it Europe's biggest event in this field.

The aim of the show is to promote innovation to bring about positive change in business and society.

The show features conferences, exhibitions and a variety of experiences. VIVATECH celebrates today's innovations and tomorrow's inventions through technological advances.

Sectors as diverse as agriculture, construction, communications, culture, cybersecurity, entertainment, finance, health and transport are all impacted by these technological advances, making VIVATECH a must-attend event.

Find out more about the We Are Normandy collective:

Genexpath will be present at the Meet2Win convention on May 16 and 17, 2024 at the Cité Mondiale Convention Center in Bordeaux.

Meet2Win is an annual conference that brings together pharmaceutical industry players, investors and healthcare innovators to facilitate partnerships and the exchange of ideas. The event aims to promote innovation and the development of new treatments in the healthcare field.

Genexpath will be present at the 44thème SFH congress from March 27 to 29 2024 at the Palais des Congrès de la Porte Maillot. 


The French Society of Hematology (SFH) is a medical organization of healthcare professionals specialized in hematology. It aims to promote research, education and training in the field of blood disorders by organizing scientific events and fostering collaboration between members. 


SFH also contributes to the promotion of clinical and basic research, and to the improvement of clinical practices for the care of patients with hematological disorders in France. 

Genexpath was present at the LYSA days on January 31, February 1 and February 2, 2024 in Tours..

These days provide an opportunity to disseminate information and scientific advances relating to the understanding and treatment of lymphomas. They bring together healthcare professionals and industrial partners present at the congresses. 

LYSA, or Lymphoma Study Association, is an autonomous network dedicated to clinical research in lymphoma. It specializes in the conduct of clinical studies, from the first application of new treatments to humans, to the establishment of reference therapeutic strategies. 

Carrefour Pathologie is the annual national congress of pathological anatomy and cytology (ACP) organized by the Société Française de Pathologie (SFP).

Carrefour Pathologie offers a dense 3-day program with SFP plenary lectures, SFP symposia, three histoseminars, specialty clubs, two days of "medico-technical pathways" specially organized for and with technicians and managers, and sessions of oral and poster scientific communications.

The scientific program covers both practical diagnostic aspects and innovative themes, always based on the two major pillars of development for pathology: imaging on the one hand, and molecular pathology on the other.

The integration of artificial intelligence into the practice of PCR and the identification of tissue biomarkers in connection with targeted therapies and immunotherapy are also widely covered during these 3 days of congress.

Chaque année, le monde de l’hématologie en France se rassemble lors du Congrès Annuel de la Société Française d’Hématologie (SFH). Cet événement incontournable réunit des professionnels de la santé, des chercheurs et des acteurs clés du domaine pour échanger sur les dernières avancées et les meilleures pratiques dans le traitement des maladies du sang.

Le Congrès de la SFH offre une plateforme unique pour discuter des dernières découvertes en matière de recherche clinique, des nouvelles thérapies, des diagnostics innovants et des soins aux patients. Il constitue également une occasion précieuse pour les participants de réseauter avec des experts renommés, d’assister à des conférences plénières, des sessions thématiques, des présentations de posters et des ateliers interactifs.

En réunissant les esprits les plus brillants et les innovateurs de l’hématologie, le Congrès de la SFH joue un rôle crucial dans la promotion du progrès médical et de la collaboration au sein de la communauté médicale. Pour tous ceux impliqués dans le domaine de l’hématologie, cet événement représente une opportunité inestimable de rester à la pointe des avancées scientifiques et de contribuer à l’amélioration des soins aux patients atteints de maladies du sang.