prélèvement lymphosign caractérisation cancer

Documentation for distributors

Clic on URL links to download the file.

LymphoSign Documentation

UserguideReagents and equipment list
Markers ListThermocycler programs
FlyerBobee et al. article
Genexpath presentationAverage cost per analysis
Protocol in brief

LymphoTranscript documentation

UserguideReagents and equipment list
Gene fusions listThermocycler programs
FlyerDrieux et al. article
Genexpath presentationAverage cost per analysis
Protocol in brief

SarcomaFusion documentation

UserguideReagents and equipment list
Gene fusions listThermocycler programs
FlyerLanic et al. paper
Genexpath presentationAverage cost per analysis
Protocol in brief

RT-MIS documentation

RT-MIS UserGuideUser Space Userguide
How to create a new user?